The Lovers of the Holy Cross was established in 1670 by Bishop Lambert de la Motte in North Vietnam and later in the South in 1671. This is the first women religious institute that has an Asian characteristic, having both contemplative and apostolic, professing the evangelical counsels through living the vows in a community under the jurisdiction of the Local Ordinary and striving for the conversion of non-believers.
(Constitution, Art.1)
The call to a consecrated life in the order of Lovers of Holy Cross is a precious gift of God. It enables the Sister to participate in the spirituality and charism of its Founder by:
- totally directing her mind, heart, and life toward “Jesus Christ crucified, her sole object
- living as a disciple in mission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to participate in building the local Church
The charism of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is embodied in the Institue’s purpose and mission once received and acted upon by each sister, this charism will help her live joyfully while offering herself to the service of others to glorify God.
(Constitution, Art.2)
The purpose of the Lovers of Holy Cross is to know, love, and offer of oneself totally to Jesus Christ by diligently contemplating, remembering, and imitating His sacrificial life on earth (Constitution, Art.3)

The Sisters of the Lovers of the Holy Cross are invited to participate in the spirit of the Mediator, Jesus Christ, and continue His salvific mission through work of intercession in house prayers and in daily life:
- the Sisters earnestly petition for the conversion of non-Christians and Christians who have gone astray, and ask for God’s blessing upon society, the local church, as well as the universal church
- the Sisters first and foremost selflessly serve women and youth in the area of education, social work, health care, morality, and faith (Constitution, Art.4)
The spirituality of the Lovers of Holy Cross is embodied in the very name of the Order which the Founder had chosen. It is the spirit of mortification and sacrifice because of love:
the love for Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, who laid down His life to prove His greatest love for God the Father and all people
the love for His cross and the willingness to accept the cross of oneself with a stđrong conviction that “in my flesh, I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church.” This love:
- unites the Sisters in a special way to the salvific works of Jesus Christ
- develops the spirit of solidarity with the sufferings of humanity
- overflows the Sisters’ hearts with the joy and hope springing from the belief in the resurrection (Constitution, Art.5)